Finderne Karate Club

Finderne Karate Club


Class updates and information

11 Apr 2023

Open House Class, Monday May 1st, 2023

Come join us on Monday May 1st, 2023 for a free trial class learning some basic self defense skills that we teach each week.

30 Jan 2023

Starting Feb. 2023 New training schedule for advanced class and stick class.

Advanced class every 2nd Monday each month, for Brown Belts and up. See info and hours.

Free Style Stick Combative class every 4th Monday each month. Green Belts and up no extra charge. Every one else $10 per class. 

24 Dec 2019

Congratulations to our two newest Black Belts, Father and Son Ed and Zack. They did and excellent job on their test demonstrating their basic skills and the first 3 basic forms as well as the basic self defense skills.

We will be off next week for Holiday Break and class will resume on Jan. 6, 2020. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!