Finderne Karate Club

Finderne Karate Club


Free Style Stick Combat

We offer stick training every 2nd and 4th Monday night starting at 8 pm. This class is open to current students Green Belt and up at no extra charge. Non members for teens and adults can join any stick class at $10.00 per session. We offer a structured program that offers rank advancement separate from our Karate class.

These are some of the basic requirements we cover up to the Black Belt ranking!

We have a complete Masters Course all the way up to 5th Degree Black Belt and beyond. 

Level 1 A- Yellow Belt

  • 1- Strikes 1-5
  • 2- Defenses 1-2
  • 3- Disarms 1-2
  • 4- Various strikes (vertical, horizontal, diagonal) 
  • 5- 3 Levels of attack and defense (high line, mid line, low line)
  • 6- Basic trapping drill- inside
  • 7- Basic stances and footwork (Box stance and Triangle stance)(side step, step drag, step through, shuffle step, front and rear foot replace)
  • 8- Alive hand
  • 9- 3 Basic types of striking methods

Level 1 B- Orange Belt

  • 1- Strikes 6-12
  • 2- Defenses 3-4
  • 3- Disarms 3-4
  • 4- Outside / Inside plow against thrusts
  • 5- 5 Strike patterns (X and + pattern)
  • 6- 2 hand block and reinforced blocking
  • 7- 5 fighting ranges (0 Grappling, 1 short, 2 mid, 3 long, 4 out of range)
  • 8- 9 angle cutting pattern
  • 9- 9 directional movement drill (using triangle foot work)

Level 2 A- 5th Green Belt

  • 1- Defenses 5-7
  • 2- Disarms 5-7
  • 3- Basic trapping drill- outside
  • 4- Double stick basics
  • 5- Thrusting drills using empty hands
  • 6- Short and long arc striking
  • 7- Abinico strikes 
  • 8- Redondo strikes 
  • 9- 8 count house blocking drill
  • 10- Empty hand against strikes 1-5

Level 2 B- 4th Green Belt

  • 1- Defenses 8-9
  • 2- Disarms 8-9
  • 3- Pi-Pi 6
  • 4- Double stick H - L - H drill
  • 5- 3 count entry and 5 count diagonal drill
  • 6- Combine 3ct entry and 5ct diagonal 
  • 7- Abecedario- single stick, stage 1
  • 8- Basic low line kicking front leg, 3 kicks
  • 9- Hubud drill- empty hand
  • 10- Covering- Tappon(over) and Sapuco(under)

Level 3 A- 3rd Brown Belt

  • 1- Defenses 10-12
  • 2- Disarms 10-12
  • 3- Meet the force, follow the force 
  • 4- X follow ups / Redondo follow ups 
  • 5- Basic dagger angles 1-5
  • 6- Abecedario- Double Stage 1 
  • 7- Single stick sumbrada
  • 8- Hubud- single stick
  • 9- Low line kicking back leg, 3 kicks
  • 10- Basic falling 
  • 11- Advance foot work using the 9 angles with weapons

Level 3 B- 2nd Brown Belt

  • 1- Defense flow 1-12
  • 2- Disarm flow 1-12
  • 3- sliding kicks, 3 kicks
  • 4- stick and dagger, 4ct, 5ct, 6ct from open position
  • 5- 5ct Espady Dagga from closed position (left reverse chamber)
  • 6- Abecedario- Single stick middle range stage 2 and 3 
  • 7- Single stick 5ct sumbrada
  • 8- Back hand blocks- Double redondo, X into redondo and double redondo into X
  • 9- Fore hand blocks- Redondo, X, redondo into X and X into redondo
  • 10- Hubud- dagger
  • 11- Abecidario- Stick and dagger stage 1


Level 4 A- 1st Brown Belt

  • 1- Kilat "lightning" back hand snap then X
  • 2- Kiwayon "split the bamboo" back hand snap, double redondo and upward diagonal and  redondo
  • 3- Meet the force into Kilat
  • 4- Meet the force into Kiwayon
  • 5- Follow the force into Kilat
  • 6- Follow the force into Kiwayon
  • 7- Breaking into and out of ranges
  • 8- Single dagger sumbrada 3ct
  • 9- Stick and dagger tie ups
  • 10- Single dagger Hubud variations
  • 11- Abecidario- single and double dagger- stage 1
  • 12- Abecidario- double stick, stick and dagger- stage 2 and 3

Level 4 B- Black Belt 1st Dg.

  • 1- Impact training (striking a heavy bag)
  • 2- Environment training (using obstacles)
  • 3- Sumbrada empty hands
  • 4- Advance and retreat drills
  • 5- Circle drill
  • 6- Circle and hub drill
  • 7- Lateral drill or moving side to side
  • 8- Introduce long staff- 17 striking pattern
  • 9- Dagger disarms
  • 10- Jailing and trapping advanced
  • 11- Introduce cord basics (using belt, scarf or tie)
  • 12- Pass, trap and hit

While this covers the basics at each level, there are a series of various Sinawali drills we train in through out the program. These drills are designed to help you learn coordination of right and left hands working together. It also helps develop timing and rhythm while moving around. While there are easily over 100 different drills and variations for each of them we do not expect you to remember them all. But over time you will be able to free style many of the drills once you have mastered the basics and that is really your true goal. Remember the drills are for learning purposes and will give you the tools to help you defend yourself. 

Along the way we will also cover various empty hand drills and techniques as you move along through the program. Some will be based on Kenpo and Ju-Jutsu principles and concepts.