Black Belt Written Test Requirements
Yellow Belt Knowledge
Counting: Terms:
1- ichi Sensei- Teacher
2- ni Dan- Black Belt
3- san Kyu- Student
4- shi Yami- Stop
5- go Wrai- Bow
6- roku Dojo- School
7- shichi Maikiwara- Punching Board
8- hachi Bo- Staff
9- ku Seiza- Kneel
10- ju Hajimi- Begin
Kata- Form
Obi- Belt
Gi- Uniform
Sinban- Referee
Orange Belt Knowledge
Who is Tatsuo Shimabuku- founder of Isshinryu Karate
Who is Gichin Funakoshi- founder of modern day Karate
First four basic blocks in Japanese:
1- Jodan Uke: upper block
2- Chudan Uchi Uke: middle inside block
3- Chudan Soto Uke: middle outside block
4- Gedan Barai Uke: lower block
Msubi Dachi stance- V Stance or informal attention stance
4th Green Belt Written Requirements
Code of Karate:
1- A persons heart is the same as heaven and earth
2- The blood circulating is similar to the moon and sun
3- The manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft
4- A persons unbalance is the same as a weight
5- The body should be able to change direction at any time
6- The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself
7- The eye must see all sides at all times
8- The ear must listen in all directions
3rd Brown Belt Written Requirements
Basic Body parts in Japanese
- Atemi- head
- Mimi- ear
- Kao- face
- Kubi- neck
- Ude- arm
- Hiji- elbow
- Te- hand
- Te Kubi- wrist
- Kindama- groin
- Ashi- leg
- Ashi Yubi- toe
- Kagato- heel
- Hiza- knee
- Yubi- fingers
- Hara- stomach
- Mune- breast bone
- Shinzo- heart
- Abara Bone- ribs
- Nado- throat
- Kuchi- mouth
- Nana- nose
- Me- eye